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offers a single place
to discover and quickly
migrate your existing servers
to the cloud.​

Assessment as a service


Migration as a service

Assessment as a Service

Migrating any application to the Cloud involves analyzing the application for its Cloud compatibility. Spotlight uses Scanner, to scan and retrieve the necessary information from the application servers for the analysis. It generates multiple reports after analyzing your application to aid you in understanding the elements involved in migrating your application to the Cloud. These reports help you to decide which workloads are ready to shift to the cloud and in what order, identify the cost-benefit of migrating to the cloud as well as provide you with a roadmap and recommendations for making the most of your cloud journey.

Spotlight offers different types of scanning method to perform analysis in customer environment based on their requirement.

Agentless Scan

Spotlight performs agentless scan by executing scanner in the Vanguard server which has access to all the servers in the network. Spotlight collects information through agentless scanner about your source environment, including server profile information (for example, OS, number of CPUs, amount of RAM), and server utilization metrics. These source servers can be of different operating system such as Windows, Linux and Unix operating systems.​

Extended Scan

This is an agentless scanning. In this scanning method, Spotlight allows the customer to perform Extended scan for the servers to collect utilization data for the given time period.​

Reverse Logistics
Agent Deep Scan

In this scanning method, Spotlight performs deep scan of servers to be scanned by installing an agent through Vanguard. This method evaluates the feasibility of your application and gives you insights about all the application workloads and suggests strategies for migrating them to the Cloud based on the operational considerations involved in the application life cycle management, managed services and so on.​

In Plant Logistics Management


your Applications​

Spotlight performs a thorough analysis of your application and offers some smart re-architectures strategies and PaaS recommendations.​

your data

Spotlight loads required data using standard templates, performs cloud assessment, and identifies the cloud readiness of the uploaded server details in an effective way.


Spotlight shows a clear mapping of dependencies between servers and workloads based on its move group analysis to help you identify applications.

Migration as a Service

Spotlight Migrate is a Cloud migration platform that offers migration services for infrastructures and applications. Spotlight Migrate simplifies, expedites, and automates large-scale migrations from on-premises or Cloud to the preferred Clouds without or with very minimal manual intervention.​
Based on your business requirements and the complexity of your application environment, Spotlight provides you with the widest choice of Cloud migration methodologies. These migration methodologies let you migrate several servers simultaneously while providing clear, actionable insights in the event of any migration problems.​

Spotlight can migrate the infrastructure by using the following migration methodologies:​

Lift And Shift​  |  Smart Shift​  |  Modernize Shift​

Spotlight's Assessment Process for Optimal Workload Suggestions

Spotlight's Assessment Process


Smart Cloud

Migrate VMs with configurations identical to those of the source server or VMs with higher or lower specifications than the source servers. Performing right sizing of workload before migrating an application to the cloud helps lower the cost.

Migrate to

Transition your existing app from a legacy platform to a modern cloud platform to leverage the benefits of a cloud deployment model based on your preferences. Spotlight automates the migration of your workloads seamlessly to these PaaS services on Cloud.


Spotlight enables your applications for quick container adoption by transforming your application workloads into containers.

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