Why Cloud backup is crucial for today’s business scenario ?

Backup refers to the copying and archiving of computer data for using it later to restore the original content after an event of data loss. The process of backing up the data should include having at-least one copy of the entire data, whichever is important and essential. The data storage requirements can be significant.
Backups have two distinct purposes. The main motive is to recover all the lost information that went missing through deletion and corruption of data. Loss of data is a usual phenomenon troubling most users. The following cases are the perfect samples for describing data protection and its loss.


  • The WannaCry ransomware attack initially began on Friday, 12th May 2017 and within a day it was reported to have infected more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries. It targeted computers by encrypting data and then demanding ransom payments in the form of Bitcoin crypto-currency from the users.
  • The secondary purpose of backups is to recover data from earlier times that complies with a data retention policy that is user-defined by nature which is configured inside a backup application.


Cloud service providers have specifically designed in such a way to offer storage solutions that are secured, durable and scalable in nature. They are mainly targeted to provide solutions that look forward to attain scalability and efficiency within the environment in which it is being developed without any on-premise infrastructure. Backup is among the most popular use case for cloud service providers. It is designed in such a way to provide durability and availability to go through a variety of objects throughout the web. And it distributes three copies of each file between its data centres in different regions. This ensures that backup files would not be destroyed by human error or even by region-level natural disaster. For example. In the case of Amazon Web Services during a loss of information in on-premise infrastructure, the information on Amazon S3 can be either re-established to on-premise or to cloud EC2 Virtual machine.
Amazon S3(simple storage service) comes at a reliable and cost-effective offsite solution. Don’t forget that a solid backup strategy assumes recurring jobs. To make it simple, you can use free backup tools, like our CloudBerry Backup.
Amazon S3 is divided into Standard, Standard I/A, RRS, and Glacier.
Standard:  Designed to sustain the concurrent loss of data in multiple facilities.
Standard – Infrequent Access:  Designed to sustain the concurrent loss of data in multiple facilities.
Amazon Glacier: Designed to sustain the concurrent loss of data in multiple facilities. Example : Financial data, CCTV Data, healthcare data for compliance
Reduced Redundancy Storage: Designed to sustain data loss only in a single facility.
Use Cases:
Cloud storage is the most apt solution for a multitude of use cases that range from an ordinary information repository for backup and recovery to storage purposes for the latest cloud-native apps that are trending in the market currently.
Hosting a Static Website:
You can store your whole static site on cloud storage for a minimal effort with a very accessible facilitating arrangement that can meet activity requests. You can dependably serve your movement and handle startling crests without stressing over scaling your framework.
Backup & Archiving:
Amazon offers a highly scalable, durable and secure destiny for backing up and archiving our data. You can utilize amazon S3’s versioning ability to give further assurance to stored data. There are some plug-ins integrated in wordpress system like BackupBuddy that can store pages, documents, catalogs, modules, tables, client records and remarks in Amazon S3 account on plan.
Content Storage & Distribution:
Amazon S3 provides highly durable storage for a variety of content. It enables you to keep your whole storage infrastructure in the cloud, where you can exploit S3’s scalability and pay-as-you-go to deal with your developing storage needs. You can convey your substance straightforwardly from S3 or utilize S3 as an inception store for conveying substance to your Amazon CloudFront edge areas.
Big Data Analytics:
Regardless of whether you’re putting away pharmaceutical or money related information, or media documents like photographs and recordings, Amazon S3 can be utilized as your big data object store. Amazon Web Services offer an exhaustive arrangement of administrations to enable you to oversee huge information by diminishing costs to take care of demand and expand the speed of advancement.


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