Resolve common security threats and improve your security posture

Our Offerings

This Offering works with AWS Security Hub and provides predefined response and remediation actions based on industry compliance standards and best practices for security threats.

It helps to resolve common security findings and to improve their security posture in AWS.

It creates playbook contains the necessary actions to start the remediation workflow within the admin account or any member account.

Key Benefits ​

  • AWS Security Hub integration
  • Resolve Security Hub findings
  • Automated remediation actions
  • Increased overall security posture
  • Improved visibility with QuickSight


Our Approach ​

Preconfigured templates are available for the solution


Security Hub provides you with a comprehensive view of their AWS security state. It helps you to measure your environment against security industry standards and best practices. It works by collecting events and data from other AWS services, such as AWS Config, Amazon GuardDuty, and AWS Firewall Manager.


You can initiate events against findings using custom actions, which result in Amazon EventBridge Events. AWS Security Hub Custom Actions and Amazon EventBridge rules initiate Automated Security Response on AWS playbooks to address findings. One EventBridge rule is deployed to match the custom action event, and one EventBridge Event Rule is deployed for each supported control (deactivated by default) to match the real-time finding event.


Using cross-account AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles, AWS Step Functions in the admin account invokes the remediation in the member account containing the resource that produced the security finding.


An AWS Systems Manager Automation Document in the member account performs the action required to remediate the finding on the target resource, such as disabling AWS Lambda public access.


The playbook logs the results to an Amazon CloudWatch Logs group, sends a notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic, and updates the Security Hub finding. An audit trail of actions taken is maintained in the finding notes.

Output verification

On the Security Hub dashboard, the finding workflow status is changed from NEW to either NOTIFIED or RESOLVED on the Security Hub dashboard. The security finding notes are updated to reflect the remediation performed


Query the findings from the centralized findings repository and build dashboards for visualizations.

Use Cases​

Common automated security response use cases on AWS

Automated Remediation for Resource Misconfigurations

Automated Compliance Checks and Remediation

Automated Threat Detection and Mitigation for EC2 Instances

Automated Incident Response for Security Group Policy Violations


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