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Network infrastructure is required for the seamless operations of any modern enterprise. Often, software and hardware must work in tandem to deliver optimum performance. This is where Redington plays a pivotal role.

We have the expertise in building a modernised network architecture that ensures scalability, security and automation for data dissemination across all connections. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies, we simplify and streamline network management and operations for our business partners.

Solution Offerings

Enterprise Networking

Comprising infrastructure, hardware, software and communication protocols required to deliver end-to-end services, a network can be designed and customised to perform a specific set of business or technical objectives.

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Enterprise Networking
WAN Solutions

We connect LANs and other types of networks so that users and computers in one location can communicate with those at other locations by providing remote access to corporate applications, services and resources.

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WAN Solutions

This is an autonomous alliance of organisations and people that interact using intensively collaborative technologies and processes to achieve common or compatible goals.

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Brands We Work With

  • Aruba
  • Eaten
  • PNY- Network Modernisation
  • TP Link-Infrastructure Solutions

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    Case Studies

    DC Migration Journey- Largest Telecom Co

    • Region India
    • Industry Telecom
    • Challenges
      • Migrate all physical hardware sources from existing DC onto the AWS platform with minimal downtime
    • Outcome
      • Identified all the details of the CIMDB Infrastructure, the applications, and their integration dependencies (using enterprise tools) through Redington CAF (Cloud adoption framework) strategy
      • Employed AWS SMS, Cloud Endure, and VM Import/Export to migrate the entire setup following the AWS Well architected framework guideline

    Hybrid Cloud DR Set Up- Microfinance Co

    • Region India
    • Industry Microfinance
    • Challenges
      • Require disaster recovery solution for the AWS deployment
      • Host application in India to meet regulatory requirements
    • Outcome
      • A hybrid cloud deployment with both AWS and Azure as a primary and DR setup with automatic failover and fallback created to ensure HA
      • Business continuity for their critical application
      • Overall cost reduction of almost 30%.

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    -Supply chain solutions


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