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In a data-driven world, the organisations that extrapolate insights from enterprise data are the ones with the competitive edge. Keeping pace with fluctuating market dynamics requires a sound strategy and for that, every business needs high-quality and updated data analysis.

Through artificial intelligence and automation, data analysis empowers a business, helps accelerate its digital transformation and enables informed decision-making. Redington offers data and analytics solutions that can help a business create new strategies, secure and in compliance with data regulations.

Solution Offerings


We strive to empower organisations to create value from diverse IoT data with a comprehensive, robust, scalable and open edge-to-enterprise platform that drives business growth.

Business Analytics

We deliver advanced data analytics and integrate AI into the workflow, allowing businesses to implement smarter and faster data-driven decisions.

Business Analytics
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Case Studies

Delivering a Data Analytics Project with Tableau Software

  • Region MEA
  • IndustryGovernment
  • Objective To collect and connect data from other entities
  • Challenges
    • Collect and connect the data
    • Simplify the data monitoring
    • Get a single place of truth for data

Deploying MobileIron Solutions to Govern Access to Corporate Data

  • Region MEA
  • IndustryFinance/ Banking
  • Objective To allow employees to access corporate data securely on personal devices
  • Challenges
    • Secure access to corporate emails and internal websites
    • Remote deletion of data if employee leaves firm or device is stolen

Streamlining Business and Delivering Better Customer Service with Data Analytics

  • Region MEA
  • IndustryManufacturing
  • Objective To move towards self-service and consolidate multiple data sources
  • Challenges
    • Self-service analytics and uniting multiple data sources
    • Automate data generation
    • Enable employees to leverage BI tool

Hybrid Cloud DR Set Up- Microfinance Co

  • Region India
  • Industry Microfinance
  • Challenges
    • Require disaster recovery solution for the AWS deployment
    • Host application in India to meet regulatory requirements
  • Outcome
    • A hybrid cloud deployment with both AWS and Azure as a primary and DR setup with automatic failover and fallback created to ensure HA
    • Business continuity for their critical application
    • Overall cost reduction of almost 30%.

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