Migrating to Fortinet Solution to Enhance Network Security Apparatus

  • Region MEA
  • Industry Oil and Gas
  • Overview
    • A large oil and gas industrial plant was seeking a robust security solution to enhance the existing network security apparatus and business efficiency at a remote plant. The requirement was to deploy and upgrade the existing firewalls to Fortinet FortiGate Firewall at multiple sites. Redington partner, Mannai Trading Company, understood the challenges of a complex deployment and the sensitive nature of the business at hand. They conducted different deployments in test environments and improved implementation.

  • Objective To migrate existing network security setup to a more advanced system
  • Challenges
    • Comprehensive security
    • Effective technology to add value to existing infrastructure
    • Stability in remote location and complex network
  • Outcomes
    • Stable and effective migration
    • Comprehensive security with best-in-class network security appliances
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