Gaining Holistic Visibility and Control Through Secureworks XDR

  • Region MEA
  • Industry Facilities Management
  • Overview
    • A leading player in the facility management sector in the UAE was having
      a hard time keeping up with advanced cyber threats after its digital
      transformation. In a bid to simplify its infrastructure and enhance its
      security management, the client was looking to adopt a holistic approach
      to threat detection and incident response. Redington partner, Cloud
      Dynamics, implemented the Secureworks XDR platform to combat the
      client’s challenges. The solution was deployed with zero business
      downtime resulting in the client being more productive in managing its
      business units and requirements. The implementation also enabled the
      client to monitor its threat landscape from a single-managed solution.
    • Objective
      To implement a holistic approach to enterprise threat detection and
    • Challenges

      • Gain granular visibility by collecting and correlating data
      • Requirement for 24×7 monitoring by skilled analysts
      • Automated alerts and powerful response actions
    • Outcomes

      • Comprehensive attack surface coverage
      • Validated and prioritized alerts
      • Single-click response actions and automated playbooks


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