Deploying Check Point Solutions to Gain Visibility and Protect Networks

  • Region MEA
  • Industry Automotive
  • Overview
    • A leading automotive business was dissatisfied with the existing security solution protecting its IT infrastructure. The company faced multiple issues around data protection and recognized the need for proactive threat prevention. Redington partner, Grid Info Systems, analyzed the different security flaws to suggest Check Point Next Generation Threat Prevention as a solution. After understanding the existing gap within the organization infrastructure, Grid Info Systems was able to seamlessly implement the one-stop security solution.

  • Objective To gain complete visibility and protect networks with a one-stop security solution
  • Challenges
    • Consolidate multiple security solutions
    • Protect networks from internal and external threats
  • Outcomes
    • Consolidation of multiple solutions and high flexibility
    • Protection against Advanced and Zero-day threats
    • Increased security effectiveness


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