Creating a Customized Company Platform Using AWS

  • Region MEA
  • IndustryEnergy
  • Overview

    • Green Power Generation, an energy service company, required a single platform to handle real-time monitoring and control. The client was dependent on multiple platforms with no scalability, real-time reporting or data retention for future analysis. Redington partner, Zero&One, worked with the client to build JellyFish, a highly available, proprietary, serverless SaaS platform on AWS, leveraging 100+ Lambda functions and an API gateway. Zero&One was able to deliver the project in record time and reduce the customer onboarding time by 50%.
    • Objective To build a real-time monitoring and control system

    • Challenges

      • Create a single platform able to handle real-time monitoring and control
      • Retain data for future analysis
      • Reduce operation costs
    • Outcomes

      • Unlocked efficiencies and operational benefits
      • Focused on core competencies
      • Delivered a highly reliable platform


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